Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Back!

My return from Africa left me a little dazed, confused and a lot jet-lagged. I had all of these grand plans of continuing my blog as I have so much to still share with everyone, but pregnancy and life in general got in my way. Well....I'm back. I'm still pregnant and still busy with life, but not too busy to take some time here and there to share some more amazing stories and experiences with you all.

Today I was browsing Facebook and saw a link to a youtube clip of a bunch of school kids singing. They were so into it and it instantly brought memories back to me of our time at New Hope School and Orphanage. When we arrived there, the kids were very timid and looked sad. It wasn't until music filled the room that we began to see some smiles. By the second day, they were all smiles! Especially when we showed up with Breakdance Project Uganda.



Proof that all kids need music and dance in their lives!

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